Lauren 16th March 2016
Ulitmate Business propeller
For you Anita. Many thanks for all of your guidance throughout your amazing thyroid program. Your expertise and knowledge is incredibly extensive and I have learned so much from you about how to run my body properly.
For others:
The most awful side effect of thyroid issues is that you are too exhausted to do anything about it, let alone help yourself. You just feel so out of control of your own body and the information the doctors give you seems totally one sided - "you have to have an operation..."
The best thing about completing the Vurv* natural thyroid therapy program with Anita, is that feeling of gaining back control over your life. Not only does she explain exactly what's going on in real terms, she also gives you insight into how your body operates and the intricacies of your entire endocrine system from a natural point of view.
"You literally feel like a different person immediately!"
The treatments and supplements she provides totally support you and give you immediate relief. You literally feel like a different person immediately! The structured food guides, dietary and wellness plans are so simple and easy to follow, making healthy living a daily habit that supports your wellbeing.
If you are sick and tired of feeling exhausted, grumpy and run-down, it's time you got real about how you want to live life and do something about it. The Vurv* natural thyroid treatment program gives you back your life. The sooner you get onto it the better.
My Story:
I was diagnosed with Hyperparathyroid in June 2015 after suffering many months of extreme fatigue, cramps and mood swings. My family had borne the brunt of my grumpy moods and totally short fuse and I was at my wits end trying to figure out what was wrong with me...why did I have zero energy. For someone often referred to as a 'pocket rocket', it was becoming too hard to maintain my normal levels of proactivity, It was literally exhausting.
I went for blood tests and they showed my Parathyroid Hormone was double what it should be. CT scans and Ultrasounds failed to show anything unusual, but the Endocrinologist and the GP were keen as mustard to remove at least one if not two suspected ademas on my glands.
Being a professional speaker, with months of booked of events and workshops in my diary, the last thing I needed was an operation on my throat, but I knew something had to be done, I couldn't live like this anymore.
"A few months later, having exhausted all options (or so I thought) I put my name down for surgery."
A few months later, having exhausted all options (or so I thought) I put my name down for surgery. Then I met Anita at a networking function. She mentioned she was a natural thyroid specialist and I immediately asked her if that meant parathyroid as well, as the GP and specialist had both said that my issue had nothing to do with the thyroid (which I really didn't trust as I'm of a firm belief that the entire body is connected together to work properly!).
She assured me that all of the glands interact and that yes, something could definitely be done to help me manage my health better. So I began her program and within the first 7 days immediately felt more energy, the cramps lessened and I was waking up in the mornings feeling less exhausted. Within a month of removing specific foods, combining the right food and adding some serious nutritional support, I felt less 'paper-thin' and more like my old self again.
Now having completed the program I am back to my old me, plus I have the benefit of knowing I am running my body properly!
During the entire program I have had moments of lapsing backwards, mostly due to the pressure I put on my body (long days, late nights and a few days during Xmas and holidays where I drank more alcohol than usual) but I now know what I need to do to keep my body supported.
"I have my pep and vigor back and I also have the awareness and knowledge that I can't take that for granted."
I have my pep and vigor back and I also have the awareness and knowledge that I can't take that for granted. I am fortunate that my body can run at such fast paced, exciting levels of enthusiasm, but also sensible enough to know that the daily habits of gratitude, meditation, exercise, sensible food choices, sleep and nutritional support are what my body needs to find balance.
I definitely recommend going to see Anita at Vurv* if you feel worn-out, achy, tired to the point of exhaustion, have weight issues, headaches, grumpiness or just don't seem to be you anymore. It's likely you have a hormonal imbalance and it can probably be put right so effectively with the simple to implement guidance Anita provides. She certainly helped jumpstart me into life.
I hope this helps Anita, I mean each and every word of this. I know I am still on my journey, but I am 100% more self aware of what I need to have to sustain an energetic, positive life thanks to your program.